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Prophetic Law Review
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Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Prophetic Law Review is a law journal published by the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia. The primary purpose of this journal is to disseminate research, conceptual analysis, and other writings of scientific nature on legal issues by integrating moral and ethical values. Articles published cover various topics on Islamic law, International law, Constitutional law, Private law, Criminal law, Administrative law, Procedural law, Comparative law, and other law-related issues either in Indonesia or other countries all over the world. This journal is designed to be an international law journal and intended as a forum for a legal scholarship which discusses ideas and insights from law professors, legal scholars, judges, and practitioners.
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Articles 6 Documents
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Corporate Social Responsibility In Islamic Business: Case Study Of Indonesia Company Yulio Iqbal Cahyo Arsetyo
Prophetic Law Review Vol. 3 No. 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/PLR.vol3.iss1.art6


It is widely acknowledged that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become socially “mandatory” for company to partake in the development of their community. Furthermore, CSR fills the blank space where the government cannot reach or has limited access. This paper will be addressing two issues: (a) CSR concept in accordance with Islamic Value; and (b) How the Indonesian Government regulates the application of Islamic CSR Model in the country. This research aims to analyze the concept of Zakat as a CSR model under the Islamic Business Law, with the objective to compare Zakat and the conventional CSR. This research is conducted in Normative-Juridical method which establishes that Islamic CSR means more than just “helping the humanity and the environment”, but also as a “Heavenly duty”, as opposed to Western business system in which CSR serves as the company’s tool to protect its interest and public image leverage.Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Islamic Business Model; Law; ZakatTanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Dalam Bisnis Islam: Studi Kasus Perusahaan Di IndonesiaAbstrakDiakui secara luas bahwa Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan atau Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) telah menjadi “hal wajib” secara sosial bagi perusahaan untuk mengambil bagian dalam pengembangan komunitas mereka. Selanjutnya, CSR mengisi ruang kosong yang tidak dapat dijangkau atau dibatasi oleh pemerintah. Tulisan ini akan membahas dua hal: (a) konsep CSR sesuai dengan Nilai Islam; dan (b) Bagaimana Pemerintah Indonesia mengatur penerapan Model CSR Syariah di Tanah Air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep Zakat sebagai model CSR menurut Hukum Bisnis Islam, dengan tujuan untuk membandingkan Zakat dan CSR konvensional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Normatif-Yuridis yang menetapkan bahwa CSR Islam berarti lebih dari sekedar “membantu kemanusiaan dan lingkungan”, tetapi juga sebagai “tugas Surgawi”, berbeda dengan sistem bisnis Barat di mana CSR berfungsi sebagai alat perusahaan. untuk melindungi kepentingan dan pengaruh citra publiknya.Kata kunci: Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan; Model Bisnis Islami; Hukum; zakat
Role Of Judicial Activism In Environmentaldispute Resolution Before The State Administrative Court Andriyani Masyitoh
Prophetic Law Review Vol. 3 No. 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/PLR.vol3.iss1.art1


This study examined the role of judicial activism role in resolving environmental disputes at PTUN. It provided understanding for the judges in order to create justice for both justice seeker and the environment. In this study, the writer used a statutory approach, case study approach, and conceptual approach. Furthermore, the basic concept of judicial activism role and the characteristic of the environmental dispute solution were used as the object of the research. The result revealed that the role of judicial activism role not only strives for just dispute resolution but also keep its environmental justice. Moreover, judges’ decisions is reflected on the principle of preventive action, the precautionary principle, the polluter pays principle. The solution of environmental dispute system condimsidered by the judge panel will excavate ecological's values system.Keywords: Judicial activism; dispute resolution; environmental; PTUNPeran Judicial Activism Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan Hidup Di Depan Pengadilan Tata Usaha NegaraAbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang peran judicial activism dalam menyelesaikan sengketa lingkungan di PTUN. Hal ini memberikan pemahaman bagi para hakim untuk menciptakan keadilan bagi pencari keadilan dan lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan studi kasus, dan pendekatan konseptual. Selanjutnya, konsep dasar peran judicial activism dan karakteristik penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan digunakan sebagai objek penelitian. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa peran judisial activism tidak hanya mengupayakan penyelesaian sengketa yang adil tetapi juga menjaga keadilan lingkungannya. Apalagi putusan hakim tercermin pada prinsip tindakan preventif, prinsip kehati-hatian, prinsip pencemar membayar. Penyelesaian sistem sengketa lingkungan yang dinilai majelis hakim akan menggali sistem nilai ekologis.Kata kunci: Judicial activism; penyelesaian sengketa; lingkungan; PTUN
Revisiting Kahrudin Yunus On Bersamaism: A Natural Law Design For Indonesia Today Aulia Rahmat
Prophetic Law Review Vol. 3 No. 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/PLR.vol3.iss1.art2


"At the beginning of the independence era, Kahrudin Yunus proposed a natural law-based economic law model, but it declined in recent years or discussion in scholarly communities. This article examines the trend toward relations between state, government, and the rule of economic law based on bersamaism. Interpretive analytic is the method employed. Bersamaism’s basic assumptions are based on the universality of Quran truth, and the state must be positioned as an intermediary in legal and economic activities. Bersamaism is similar to the natural law school in terms of thought, but it also provides an understanding empirical considerations, actually has provided a prototype for the development of an economic system for Indonesia."Keywords: Economic justice; natural law; prophetic lawMenilik Kahrudin Yunus Mengenai Bersamaisme: Desain Hukum Alam Untuk Indonesia Hari IniAbstrakPada awal era kemerdekaan, Kahrudin Yunus mengajukan model hukum ekonomi berbasis hukum alam, namun beberapa tahun belakangan ini ditolak dalam diskusi di kalangan cendikiawan. Artikel ini mengkaji kecenderungan hubungan antara negara, pemerintah, dan supremasi hukum ekonomi berbasis Bersamaisme. Analitik interpretatif adalah metode yang digunakan. Asumsi dasar Bersamaisme didasarkan pada universalitas kebenaran Alquran, dan negara harus diposisikan sebagai perantara dalam kegiatan hukum dan ekonomi. Bersamaisme mirip dengan mazhab hukum alam dalam hal pemikiran, tetapi juga memberikan pemahaman pertimbangan empiris, sebenarnya telah memberikan prototipe bagi pengembangan sistem ekonomi bagi Indonesia.Kata kunci: Keadilan ekonomi; hukum alam; hukum profetik
Formulating The Concept Of Progressive Judge In Handling Corruption Cases In Indonesia M. Syamsudin
Prophetic Law Review Vol. 3 No. 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/PLR.vol3.iss1.art3


The main problem studied in this writing is the failure of judges to eradicate corruption in Indonesia in their decisions. The data is collected by interviews and studies of verdict documents. To analyze that problem there needs a study in socio-legal research with the legal hermeneutical approach. The result of this research shows the weaknesses of judges in deciding verdicts for corruption. The narrow interpretation of corruption and the performance orientation of judges contributed to the failure of judges in eradicating corruption. There needs to be an introduction of the concept progressive judges to overcome the aforementioned problems. Progressive Judges are judges who can creatively interpret the law on existing regulations, without having to wait for regulatory changes. Poor regulation does not have to be a barrier for progressive judges to present fair, definite, and useful laws because they can make progressive interpretations of existing regulations.Keywords: The concept of progressive judges; eradicate corruptions; the legal hermeneutic approachPerumusan Konsep Hakim Progresif Dalam Penanganan Kasus Korupsi Di IndonesiaAbstrakMasalah utama yang dikaji dalam penulisan ini adalah kegagalan hakim dalam memberantas korupsi di Indonesia dalam putusannya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan studi dokumen putusan. Untuk menganalisis permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya kajian dalam penelitian sosio-legal dengan pendekatan hermeneutika hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kelemahan hakim dalam memutus perkara korupsi. Penafsiran korupsi yang sempit dan orientasi kinerja hakim berkontribusi pada kegagalan hakim dalam memberantas korupsi. Perlu adanya pengenalan konsep hakim progresif untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut di atas. Hakim Progresif adalah hakim yang secara kreatif dapat menafsirkan undang-undang pada peraturan yang ada, tanpa harus menunggu perubahan peraturan. Regulasi yang buruk tidak harus menjadi penghalang bagi hakim progresif untuk menghadirkan hukum yang adil, pasti, dan bermanfaat karena mereka dapat membuat interpretasi progresif terhadap peraturan yang ada.Kata kunci: Konsep hakim progresif; memberantas korupsi; pendekatan hermeneutika hukum
Tender Conspiracy In Electronic Procurement Of Goods And Services (A Study Of Case Number 04/KPPU-L/2015) Sigit Wibowo
Prophetic Law Review Vol. 3 No. 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/PLR.vol3.iss1.art4


This research studied and analyzed why there is still tender conspiracy on government projects and construction work contracts through the e-procurement system. This was a normative legal research which analyzed principles, norms, propositions of applicable regulations, described existing phenomena, and analyzed them systematically. Using a statute approach and a case approach related to the implementation of the laws and regulations concerning electronic procurement services (e-procurement) in a construction service work contract in government projects according to the positive law of the Republic of Indonesia. It is necessary to immediately enact laws and regulations which cover a wider scope in terms of procurement and strengthen law enforcement in relation to the procurement of goods and/or services by the government. It is intended to minimize abuse of power/authority of tender committee, business players, and tender participants to prevent unfair competition, where conspiracy still takes place in government project tender.Keywords: Tender Conspiracy; Electronic Procurement of Goods and Services; Case Number 04/KPPU-L/2015Konspirasi Tender Dalam Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa Elektronik (Studi Kasus Nomor Perkara 04/Kppu-L/2015)AbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji dan menganalisis mengapa masih terjadi persekongkolan tender proyek pemerintah dan kontrak karya konstruksi melalui sistem e-procurement. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang menganalisis asas, norma, dalil peraturan yang berlaku, mendeskripsikan fenomena yang ada, dan menganalisisnya secara sistematis. Menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus terkait dengan pelaksanaan peraturan perundang-undangan tentang jasa pengadaan secara elektronik (e-procurement) dalam suatu kontrak karya jasa konstruksi pada proyek-proyek pemerintah menurut hukum positif Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Peraturan perundang-undangan yang cakupannya lebih luas dalam hal pengadaan dan penguatan penegakan hukum terkait pengadaan barang dan/atau jasa oleh pemerintah perlu segera ditetapkan. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk meminimalisir penyalahgunaan wewenang/wewenang panitia lelang, pelaku usaha, dan peserta lelang untuk mencegah terjadinya persaingan tidak sehat, dimana masih terjadi persekongkolan dalam tender proyek pemerintah.Kata kunci: Konspirasi Tender; Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Secara Elektronik; Nomor Perkara 04/KPPU-L/2015
Factors Affecting The Predominance Of Verstek Judgments In Divorce Cases Before The Religious Court Muliadi Nur; Abdul Jamil
Prophetic Law Review Vol. 3 No. 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/PLR.vol3.iss1.art5


This study examines the factors affecting the predominance of verstek judgments in the disposition of divorce cases in religious courts. It was mainly aimed at analyzing the factors that influence the settlement of divorce cases in the absence of the defendant so that the judge decides through a verstek judgment. This research used a normative legal research with a statutory approach and a legal system. The study found three primary factors in the legal system that have lead to the verstek judgments for divorce cases in religious courts. First, the existing substantial components and legal arrangements have not explicitly regulated the criteria, limitations, or reasons for the absence of defendants who who are entitled to verstek examination in divorce cases. Second, the legal structure includes the paradigm of passive judges and strong adherence to procedures, as well as the summoning of the parties by bailiffs. Third, a cultural component, including the factor of awareness of the nature of marriage and the meaning of a divorce, and the rule of law in society regarding the rules and mechanisms for divorce settlement.Keywords: Dominant factors; verstek verdict; divorce casesFaktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Predominasi Putusan Verstek Dalam Kasus Perceraian Di Hadapan Pengadilan AgamaAbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dominannya putusan verstek dalam disposisi perkara perceraian di pengadilan agama. Hal ini terutama bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyelesaian perkara perceraian tanpa kehadiran tergugat sehingga hakim memutuskan melalui putusan verstek. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan sistem hukum. Studi ini menemukan tiga faktor utama dalam sistem hukum yang mengarah pada putusan verstek untuk kasus perceraian di pengadilan agama. Pertama, komponen substansial dan pengaturan hukum yang ada belum secara tegas mengatur kriteria, batasan, atau alasan tidak adanya terdakwa yang berhak pemeriksaan verstek dalam perkara perceraian. Kedua, struktur hukum meliputi paradigma hakim pasif dan kepatuhan yang kuat terhadap prosedur, serta pemanggilan para pihak oleh juru sita. Ketiga, komponen budaya, meliputi faktor kesadaran akan hakikat perkawinan dan makna perceraian, serta aturan hukum dalam masyarakat tentang aturan dan mekanisme penyelesaian perceraian.Kata kunci: Faktor dominan; putusan verstek; kasus perceraian

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